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About Project

Ninjazone is an online raffle service developed to hold gambling contests where people receive numbered lots and each lot has a chance to win a prize. At the specified time, a winner will be randomly selected from the bucket containing a copy of each number. The lottery tickets will be compared to a collection of numbered prizes and the ticket owner will win the prize.

  • Manage Draw
  • Manage Draw types
  • Manage Newsletter
  • Manage Winning Users





1 Developers

1 Designer

1 QA

1 BA



December 2017 To

January 2018


Project view

Project Details

The site sets up registration with the user’s email address and a few details will generate a reference number which is unique to that user alone, this unique reference number will be used as the user’s raffle number. That unique reference number will go into the pool of reference numbers from which a random reference number is chosen when there is a draw. If a user wins a draw but fails to visit the site and claim the prize, then the prize money is rolled onto the next raffle draw’s prize money. Made user account section and there use can claim price if his winner. Set draw timer and end of timer set winner of draw.


There was no challenge as such so far when it comes to technical challenges, but it has been delivered in a very short period of time. So time constraint was the biggest challenge for developing such software for raffling.


We have made a predefined well structured sql query for fetch one user end of draw and made cron to set the winner of the draw , by taking all the risk parameters into it. And till now that works fine without any lack of delay into the process.


Luke Maltby


quote-left.pngIt's been a fantastic experience of partnering with the developers of Rlogical. They have ensured to never disappoint us at any level. Will definitely continue with such a brilliant team!quote-right.png


Graphic designers, Web Designer, Web Developer, Tester and Project manager, with the in-depth level of dedication & involvement we developed and delivered the application to clients with a happy ending. Client was really satisfied with the output and the product.

  • CMS Pages
  • Winner List
  • Advertise
  • Cron Job
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    Integration Design

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  • app-inte-icon-1-1-1.png

    System Integration

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