A Complete Guide to Creation and Launch of a Fitness App

A Complete Guide to Creation and Launch of a Fitness App

08 September, 2022 by img Jatin Panchal in Fitness App Development
A Complete Guide to Creation and Launch of a Fitness App

These days, fitness apps and fitness wearables are in much vogue. People use fitness apps to remain in touch with their vitals and health statistics. With the help of health and fitness apps, users can create customized regimes. In our hectic daily life, when we do not get time to look after our health, the fitness apps on our phones help us stay conscious of our health vitals. With so many fitness apps already making their way into the market, you must make a customized fitness app if you have to impact the audience. Customized fitness apps have a better chance of making an impact and being popular with the audience.

The Step Wise Guide to App Creation and Launch

There are some things that you have to pay attention to when creating a fitness app. In the sections below, you will be able to know how to create a fitness app from scratch. The market of fitness apps is expanding beyond its size and will reach $15 billion by 2028. To tap into the growth phase, you should create a high-performance fitness app at the most opportune moment of this decade. Here are the steps you must follow to create a fitness app for the market.


1. Identify the target audience

Every app has an audience segment to which it caters. You cannot target the broad audience segments as narrowing the target increases the intensity of your marketing and promotional strategies. You must identify the right target audience with extensive market research and further analysis. Identifying the target audience helps you tap into the right features for the customized fitness application.

You can specify the development approach and also ensure that you identify real problems that you want to resolve with the help of the app. The app framework will be robust and very usable when the problem statement is clear. By identifying the target audience, you can underline the USP of the app in development. You can also identify competitors already present in the market segment. With such an approach, you can cater to the audience in a very targeted and streamlined manner.

2. Outline the features

With the help of the target audience segment and the basic demographic outline, you can determine the features that should be included in the app. You should start with competitor research and identify other companies’ features. Then, you can list features that are the same as the other companies or are a step ahead of them. On the other hand, the features should include unique features that will set the app apart from other apps in the sector. While determining the features, conduct user research and determine the features that real users want in fitness apps. You can brainstorm the features you need as a part of the app with your designers and developers and ensure that the roadmap is solidified with the most necessary and interesting features.

3. Reach out to a good mobile development company

If you have an in-house development team, then you can give the assignment to the developers and designers. However, not every business company does not have the same kind of connection with developers and designers. If you lack the manpower and skills to make it possible, always collaborate with other development companies and third party firms. Always go for a mobile app development company with good reviews and an extensive client portfolio.

You can go for the company if the development team already has enough experience in building healthcare and fitness apps. Create a list of requirements and expectations from your development company and put it on the table during the initial meetings so the company knows where to start and what to deliver. The development team should share your vision regarding the app framework and functionalities.

4. Develop the app

The next step is to progress to the development phase. After the brainstorming and roadmap phase, it is important to put everything into action and create the app. For the development phase, you need cooperation between the designers and developers. The designers should be able to visualize the app layout and create a unique UI. The developers have to work on the client side and the server side of the app. The developers combine the entire framework to create the exact app that is conceptualized.

At first, the MVP is created so it can be tested with the user base in the market. The MVP has the basic features and is used to gather feedback from the market. The designers and developers create the wireframes and then integrate elements and code to create a highly functional app.

5. Launch and deploy the application

The launch and deployment phase is the final step of the fitness app creation and commercialization process. After its development, the app should be tested in multiple rounds and launched in the market. The company has to release the version in the market for initial deployment and feedback. The deployment has to be through different app stores and portals from where users can download the app. Users can also rate the app on the app store portal. The development of a fitness app can be costly, but the return of investment from good quality fitness apps is very high.

The development and deployment of the app is a lengthy process and costs between $25,000 to $40,000 for a startup. Depending on the budget, you can hire the right developers for the project.



Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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