How to Develop a Taxi Booking App Like Uber? All-in-One Guide

How to Develop a Taxi Booking App Like Uber? All-in-One Guide

03 October, 2023 by img Rahul Panchal in Mobile App Development
How to Develop a Taxi Booking App Like Uber? All-in-One Guide
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Quick Summary: Uber has undoubtedly enhanced the market value of online taxi booking services. You can also become the player of this universe. So, you need to develop a taxi booking app Like Uber to make a remarkable presence. In this article, you will learn about features, steps, and technology for making your leading-edge taxi booking app solutions.

Almost every American has at least once booked a taxi from the Uber app, Right? Because Uber is a household name in the US taxi booking market. Within no time it has captured millions of active users from 72 countries worldwide.

Also, ride-hailing apps like Uber have been a primary need of big cities in recent times. As a result, the market scope of taxi booking has increased. Whether you are a traditional taxi provider company or a startup, you can create a taxi app like Uber. 

In the technological world, people mostly look for any service on their mobile phones. By making your taxi booking app, you can connect with global users. Still, wondering about the profitability? Let me bring to your notice that Uber’s ride-share sales are forecasted to exceed $37.10 billion in 2023. It is directly an increase of 27.0% over last year’s sales. 

As you can see, developing an app like Uber can be a good business today. So, taxi booking app development will be a revenue-generating business. 

Now, you must be thinking about how to develop an app like Uber. Here is the answer to your question. This article has elaborated every minute detail on making a taxi app like Uber. So, keep reading, and don’t miss the ending. It will have some exceptional tips to overtake the market. Here starting with the definition of a taxi booking app.

What is a Taxi Booking App?

The taxi booking app is the solution for riders to book rides through their mobile devices. They can easily connect with their nearby drivers. Ultimately, the cab drivers can register their cars and riders can book their rides. So, the app should incorporate valuable features. Such features are location tracking, online payments, cab details, etc. 

Usually, taxi booking apps are platforms aligned with various cab companies. Taxi booking applications are a basic necessity in metropolitan cities today. Moreover, in the sphere of taxi booking app solutions, Uber is a chartbuster. It has captivating features and affordable fares. Therefore, you can build an app like Uber and unlock numerous opportunities.

The demand for online taxi booking is high. Your startup with potential technologies and branding strategies can establish its unique presence. So, it’s necessary to understand how to develop an app like Uber as well as its competitors.  

How Do Taxi Apps Like Uber Work?

When it comes to performance Uber is a great app solution. It fulfills the needs of riders and drivers with an organized approach. So, it manages the user interaction on the app. Uber has the clear-cut aim to streamline the taxi booking requirement of users. Hence, it permits users to easily navigate the features of the app.

Uber-like taxi app development requires robust solutions. It works through the prominent aspects. Here is the entire workflow of the Uber app

  • The very first step is to request a ride on the app.
  • Passengers can mention a pickup point or it app fetches it automatically. 
  • Further, they will select the type of car and payment mode.
  • Then it will locate the nearby cars.
  • Now, the driver enters the picture. The drivers will see a notification to accept or reject the ride. If one driver rejects the request, it will be forwarded to the next driver. 
  • Once your request is accepted, you can oversee the entails of driver and vehicle such as name and number. 
  • The passengers can track their ride in real-time locations and see the estimated arrival time. 
  • When the ride is completed, the fare payment should be settled as per the predetermined mode.  
  • Lastly, Uber asks passengers to rate and review their rides. It helps to enhance their services. 

Accordingly, Uber works extremely versatile to ensure a better ride experience. It is also embedded with the support desk to resolve queries of the users.

Revenue Model to Build an App Like Uber 

Generating higher revenue sources is the primary goal of any app. Consequently, priorly determining the revenue model makes your Uber-like app development simplified. However, your revenue model might differ from Uber’s based on your business objective. 

The revenue model of Uber is far-sighted and has proven effective till today. It works as the middleman to link passengers and drivers. Thus, Uber follows the commission-based model to earn profit. 

To make it easy, here are the profitable revenue sources of Uber. Read and inspire to design your monetary streams. 

  • Commission on rides

For creating an app like Uber, you should go with charging a commission on each trip. Once the rider pays the fare to Uber, it is transferred to the driver’s account. Driver receives the amount after deduction of a certain percentage of Uber’s commission. Normally, this commission ranges from around 15% to 30%. It keeps changing depending on the market scenarios. 

During the high demand and less availability, the pricing model surges. So, it works as additional earnings for Uber-like apps. As a result, it increases the spending of passengers.    

  • Cancellation fees

After confirming the ride, passengers can cancel the ride anytime. But if they cancel the ride after 5-10 mins, Uber charges a cancellation fee.

  • Premium rides

Some of the riders prefer luxury trips. They benefit from premium car options like Sedans or SUVs. So, Uber charges a comparatively increased margin on such rides. 

  • Driver’s leasing 

As Uber doesn’t own vehicles, it has a leasing program set up in multiple countries. It associates with taxi companies to onboard drivers quickly. So, the drivers are charged to pay a security deposit. It will be deducted weekly from their earnings. 

  • Paid promotions

Being the largest taxi booking app solution, many big brands collaborate with it. So, the Uber app displays ads and earns through paid promotions. It’s a widely spread marketing practice these days. Hence, Uber makes good revenue sources. 

build ride hailing app

Must-have Features to Develop Taxi Booking App like Uber 

The features of the taxi booking app are different for all parties. So, it is necessary to narrow down each party’s feature list. It will assist in understanding the Taxi app development beforehand. Hence, you can evaluate the app requirements. The three main interfaces of the app are;

  • The Rider app
  • The Driver app
  • The Admin panel 

Building a feature-rich app like Uber needs experts’ assistance. You should partner with industry specialists, who have delivered such projects earlier. Well, we have also worked on a taxi booking app development services project. Check out the case study for more info.

Case Study: Taxi Booking App Solutions

Now, let’s begin with Rider app features. 

  • Rider Application Features

The rider or passenger interface app has essential features to optimize riders’ journeys. Have a look at the features to create a taxi app like Uber for the rider’s mobile screen.

User login– First, every visitor has to log in to the app. Users can easily register and make their profile. The login can be simply done with phone numbers or email IDs. 

Taxi booking- For initiating any ride it is essential to fill in the details. Hence, riders/passengers can mention their address, pickup point, ride type, and payment modes. 

Ride tracking– Once the ride is confirmed, the rider can oversee the driver’s location. Uber app provides real-time ride-tracking solutions.  

Fare calculation– The app calculates the fare based on the distance, taxi type, and traffic conditions. So, it displays the fare accordingly on the rider’s screen.  

Ride cancellation– The app provides an option to cancel the ride. Thus, riders can cancel it. But it’s necessary to cancel before a certain time. Otherwise, the rider has to pay the cancellation fees. 

Payment options– To build a taxi app like Uber, you need to integrate multiple payment options. It should range from cards, net banking, digital wallet, cash, etc. 

Notification Uber-like app notifies riders about their ride status, driver details, waiting time, and so on. 

In-app calls/messages– The application allows riders to call or message the driver. Thus, they can connect with the driver regarding their ride status.

Driver rating– Riders are invited to share their genuine feedback on the ride through rating. Depending on the driver’s behavior, ride journey, and experience, they can write reviews. As a result, it helps to boost the app’s efficiency.

Pickup location– The app automatically fetches the location of the rider. So, it finds drivers closest to their location. It eliminates the need for typing pickup points manually.

Trip history– Riders can overlook their trip history on the app. It records all previous ride details from payments to drivers. 

Map integrations– This feature is an interactive way to show all the nearest taxis on a map. Riders can see real-time taxi availability for booking. 

Gamification– It is an engaging feature that rewards riders on their ride booking. 

  • Driver Application Features

Now, let’s move to the driver’s app interface features. 

Driver registration– The driver panel interface permits drivers to register themselves. This feature ensures getting personal details of drivers and performing documentation. Therefore, the app verifies driver’s license and other information to make their profile.

Notifications– Just like riders, drivers will also get notifications. The drivers’ interface receives ride alerts, route changes, request statuses, etc.

Ride alert– Drivers will get ride alert requests from riders. So, drivers can respond to alerts either by accepting or rejecting the request. 

Navigation optimization– Uber-like app navigates drivers to the best possible routes. This feature is beneficial to save from traffic and reach quickly. 

Waiting time– This feature shows the waiting time of drivers. Riders are charged with the extra fare for making the driver wait. 

Forward dispatch– It notifies drivers about new rides while they are doing the ongoing ride.  

Revenue report– By developing an app like Uber, drivers can manage their earnings on a weekly/ monthly basis. Accordingly, the app provides reports of their overall revenue

Riders’ destination– Drivers can pick rides only for their preferred destinations. 

  • Admin Panel Features 

The admin panel is the primary interface of the whole application. It manages all-inclusive aspects of the app for both parties. So, its features are designed to make seamless performance of the taxi booking app. 

  • Drivers & Riders Management 
  • Booking Management
  • Location and Fares Management
  • Payment management
  • Dashboard Management
  • Pickup & Drop-Off Location
  • Analytics & Reports
  • Block solution
  • Ratings & Reviews 
  • 24/7 Chatbot Support

Moreover, to develop taxi booking apps like Uber, enabling high-end features is a requirement. The reliable taxi booking app should furnish each panel optimally.  

How to Build a Taxi Booking App like Uber? 

For app development like Uber, it’s quite important to figure out the steps. The Uber application demands technical excellence, yet the project process should be organized. So, to make an app like Uber you need to thoroughly follow the below steps.

Analyze App Necessities

The process starts with analyzing and evaluating your app requirements. For Uber-like app development projects, it’s essential to plan your ideas and goals. It can be better performed by asking yourself a few questions. 

  • Which audience do I want to target?
  • What will be the value proportion of my app?
  • What is my ultimate business goal?
  • How will users find my app helpful?
  • Does my idea have the potential to sustain itself in the competitive market? 

So, these questions assist you in determining your project needs. 

Make Project Wireframe

Secondly, you need to prepare the roadmap of your project. Considering the tech stack and features, you can make a wireframe of your project. Thus, it assists in streamlining your app development process. Preparing a representation of your business objective makes the flow of steps easy to understand. 

Build a prototype

Prototyping is a significant step to increase the efficiency of your project. Back in 2010, Uber created an MVP first. This decision has turned out to be fruitful. So, if you want to succeed in the online taxi booking market, MVP development is crucial. You can use no-code app development tools for this. 

Uber-like App Development 

After the MVP success, you need to go further with actual app development. You are required to hire mobile app developers for this stage. The right developers can undertake the programming of the app. You should take the review of the task though. 

Testing and App Launch

Once the development process is complete, developers hand over the app to the QA tester. So, the tester will examine the app’s performance and find errors. It lists out the bugs and fixes that the developer will rectify. After that, it is finally showtime. The app is ready to launch on your respective platforms. 

Maintenance and Support

Lastly, when you develop Uber-like app, you have to regularly oversee and maintain the app. As the app privileges riders to share feedback, the app should improve based on their reviews. On the other hand, appropriate support to boost app performance is also prominent. 

Proficient Tech Stack to Make an App Like Uber 

tech stack to make an app like uber

The technology stack for taxi booking app solutions is critical for the success of the app. You can go with native technologies like Android or iOS. However, cross-platform will give an edge in both platforms. Learn which tech stack will be beneficial to create a taxi app like Uber.  

What would be the Estimated Cost to Develop an App like Uber?

Understanding the development process and tech stack leads you to decide the cost of app development. Well, the cost to build an app like Uber is determined through multiple aspects. Making a taxi booking app is a big project, so the price will depend on the following factors; 

  • List of features 
  • Technology implemented
  • Development team skills and country
  • Choosing the platform (iOS, Android, or both)
  • Timeline 
  • Advanced feature integrations  

In summing up, the approximate cost to develop a taxi booking app like Uber would be $25,000 to $150,000. Yet the overall app development price may vary based on your priority features and project requirements.

How will your Uber-like App Development Project Stand Out? 

In the fast-paced taxi booking industry, it’s important to have your unique business perspective. Taking Uber as inspiration is good, but you have to bring some out-of-the-box tactics. Apart from that, some impactful marketing strategies are essential. To make great revenue, you need to increase the Uber-like app development cost. 

As we know, people like personalized attention and simple navigation. So, your app should implement some top-rated solutions using these futuristic technologies.

  • Artificial intelligence– AI-powered apps analyze real-time traffic and avoid crowded routes. It makes rides smooth and faster.
  • Internet of Things (IoT)– Future taxi systems can simply check the fuel, vehicle condition, and other factors of taxis in real-time.
  • Blockchain technology– It helps in preparing a distributed ledger for transactions. So, riders and drivers can perform transactions without any central panel.
  • Virtual assistants– It works on the command of the users to make a contactless taxi booking. 

Furthermore, you can achieve your business targets with these solutions. These are some of the modern and tech-savvy features. Hence, it gives your taxi booking app development services a competitive advantage. 

Wrapping Up!

Developing an app like Uber is a courageous decision. Although Uber has attained popularity, new players can make their entry into taxi booking. You can build taxi booking app solutions with proper planning and technology aspects. Remember that your business should not be copying Uber’s business entirely. 

Emphasizing an innovative approach is the key to making your taxi booking app successful. You can take advantage of app development services from Rlogical Techsoft. We have delivered app development projects with advanced solutions. Our unique strategy will make your application boom in the market! 

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Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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