10+ Software Development Types for Every Kind of Business

10+ Software Development Types for Every Kind of Business

14 December, 2023 by img Jatin Panchal in Software Development
10+ Software Development Types for Every Kind of Business
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Quick Overview: The 21st Century demands speedy software solutions to deliver results within seconds. It makes your business pick among the different types of software development and starts over the process for a high-tech experience. The article will assist you with the types and different software development models to give a tough fight to rivals in 2024 and above.

Taking your business to the online marketplace is the primary goal of entrepreneurs today. The cutthroat competition and saturated sectors have made the target achievement way difficult. To sustain itself in the market, it is mandatory to invest your intellect and funds in developing your online product. It is necessary to hire developers and pick the best-fitted software for your business type. 

Although the buzz of custom software development solutions is prevailing in the market. It has some of the best ROI-generating advantages in the long run. Undoubtedly, software development plays a mainstream role. Accordingly, the article will land you on its current demand and different types of software development.

The wholesome procedure of planning, designing, programming, testing, deploying, and maintaining computer programs is recognized as software development. It is the sequential pipeline of the steps. Therefore, it is essential to follow the steps accurately. Computer science and data integration are critical aspects of software development. 

In simple terms, software development is the process of making the software operate on various devices or operating systems. Additionally, software is a bunch of instructions or programs. It commands or tells the computer to perform the tasks. To make it easygoing, here is an explanation of reasons to have soundness in software development today.

Why is Understanding Software Development Types Significant Today?

Technological evolution is taking place with every fraction of a second. It has been witnessing fast-paced advancement. Consequently, the business is also growing and adapting to the new IT trends. The competition boost is the outcome of technology and software-driven development. Accordingly, it becomes important for organizations and industries to upgrade and implement new technological solutions.

In the computerized and digital world, different software development models are the key to getting business to online platforms. As a result, the number of clients looking to develop different types of software is growing. 

The scope and opportunities for software development are expanded, and so is the need for software developers. But you need to hire developers with extensive research and interview rounds, you can also refer to the article on how to find and hire software developers.  

Moreover, your business efficiency and productivity will improve with enabling software solutions. Irrespective of any sector from healthcare, banking, real estate, transportation, entertainment, manufacturing, etc, software development is an integral part. It manages the workflow and tasks from the centralized software platforms for any company. 

Let’s have a look at the reaping benefits of different software development solutions;

  • Optimizing User Experience
  • Improved workflow
  • Automated Procedure
  • Exploring new technologies
  • Boosts the efficiency of the organization
  • 2x Productivity 
  • Eliminates manual approaches
  • Faster Time-to-market
  • Remote Accessibility
  • Flexibility to dynamic market
  • Rapid business development
  • Accomplishment of business targets smoothly

Hence, by building software based on user intent, your business will definitely flourish in the global market. Now, you must be wondering which type of software development is favorable for your project. Stay tuned to learn about it…

What are the Main Different Types of Software Development?

types of software development

1) Web Application Development

Web application development is the entire procedure of developing a web app. It is built with a combination of technologies and frameworks. Usually, web apps are the sort of applications used to run on web browsers with an Internet connection. 

The major technologies used to develop web apps are a blend of frontend and backend. Front-end is a client-side solution followed by HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.. to ensure the responsiveness of web apps. The server-side programming languages range from Node.js, Python, PHP, Laravel, Ruby On Rails, and many others. 

So, you need to hire web app developers to get high-performing web applications accessible on any device. In addition to that, this type of development is essential for highly dynamic sectors like banking, finance, and real estate web app development. Because it has a vast audience of multiple device users. Therefore, accessing such scalable web apps from any browser will get higher traffic. 

2) Frontend Development

Secondly, software engineers are also making remarkable solutions for designing parts. The design is among the important aspects of serving with the user-facing interface. Building a visually appealing layout, responsive design, and functionality to enhance the UI is the key element of frontend development. 

Subsequently, for any system, application, or website, frontend development provides graphical and designing solutions. It includes immense knowledge of programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Along with that frameworks ranging from Bootstrap to AngularJS. 

If you want to get resources for the front-end development process, consider hiring developers from the top IT companies. Hence, frontend development is the prominent factor in creating and verifying the design in every device from desktops to mobiles.

3) Backend Development

After frontend development, backend compliance is also a significant prospect. Both are the two sides of the same coin, thus, it is also equally important. Putting it simply, the backend works to maintain the background elements of software development. 

Basically, it performs the backend tasks through programming languages and database management tools. The backend programming languages such as Python, Ruby, PHP, and Nodejs. However, database tools like Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL. 

The backend development function correlates to the front end, so bridging the proper mixture is necessary. Additionally, the backend technologies also incorporate APIs and tools to structure the internal core logic. It is preferable to hire backend resources for creating projects like websites, applications, and web apps.

4) Full-Stack Development

Now, full-stack development is an effective blend of backend and frontend technologies. So, whatever the features and performance preference is necessary for the frontend and backend both apply in this type of software development. 

Even if you are looking for both frontend and backend capabilities, you should consider hiring full-stack developers. It will be a cost-effective approach, as you will get the benefit of two types at the cost of the developer. For more detailed info, you can check out our article on how to hire full-stack developers

Read also: Why, When and How to Hire Dedicated Developers From India?

5) Embedded Software Development

Ever since Artificial Intelligence and Robotics were introduced the demand for technological resources with expertise in AI has increased. As AI is a future-ready solution, the embedded software with such solutions has progressed. It has a great impact on the deliverables of businesses with enhanced user engagement. 

As a result, the embedded software utilizing industries have also geared up for AI and IoT development solutions. The Tech Expert and Microsoft founder, Bill Gates has depicted Artificial Intelligence (AI) as revolutionary as the Internet in his tweet.


Embedded software development has a major essence of AI, Machine Learning, and IoT technologies. Such software is necessary to perform with sufficient systems and devices only. So, it demands high configurations while developing embedded solutions. As a result, the cost to hire software developers is comparatively higher than other types. Some of the popular examples of embedded systems are smart home appliances, automotive systems, fitness trackers, medical equipment, and so on.

6) Cloud Development

The next and attention-grabbing software development type is cloud computing development. It is a highly functional and secure software solution run on the cloud. Also, it eliminates the bed for physical infrastructure. Cloud development is also referred to as cloud-based development. 

Unlike other types of software development, cloud computing is quite different. It requires software-driven skills to undertake the process. In addition to that, it allows remote access from any location and any device with credentials. Many businesses need a cloud-based solution to store, operate, and update the data on a real-time basis. It offers scalability and reliability for your business.

7) Gaming Software Development

Gaming software is more of an audience-centric platform. It is and will remain among the most popular software types of development. The gaming industry has transformed into a more personalized experience for users. So, making gaming software is indeed a profitable business idea. 

Attracting the Gen-Z with top-notch gaming experience will accelerate the market. It is purely an entertainment-oriented kind of software. Normally, video games are more prevalent. So, such a type of software development methodology needs to work extensively on visual elements. Therefore, game developers should possess the mastery to deliver a high-end user experience for a vast game fanbase. 

software development services

8) Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is the widely accepted development type used for taking business to the digital world. It has a whopping number of users globally, which is even exceeding the website users. The reports say there are around 85% of users who prioritize mobile apps over websites. 

It’s apparent that you can’t browse for cab booking services right now, you can easily book a ride by installing a taxi app like Uber. Therefore, mobile app development is quite fruitful for industries like healthcare, banking apps, food ordering apps, taxi booking, etc. Furthermore, hiring mobile app developers from India will reduce the development cost.

However, it is usually of two categories;

  • Native app development
  • Hybrid app development 

Based on these, the major platforms for deploying mobile apps are Android, iOS, and Windows. Among them, the programming languages used for Android are Java and Kotlin. Hence, iOS demands Swift and Objective-C languages. So, you can make interactive mobile apps to serve the online audience. 

9) Enterprise Software Development

Creating enterprise software is the commercial software type. Organizations use such software to manage and handle daily operations. Some of the prominent instances are supply chain management software, account management software, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. 

It has a higher complexity level and requires a specialized approach based on the end users. Majorly it should be developed to operate by a less technically sound person. Therefore, the user-friendly motive makes the developers’ task more challenging at a lower rate. However, it also needs you to learn how to reduce software development costs

10) Security Software Development

Although security is the main feature of many software, developing security software is a completely different mechanism. It needs to be built with proper analysis of cyber attacks and hacking. Usually, the security engineers process for making hack-proof, limited access, and fraud detection features.

These software are used to integrate in various platforms from online shopping, mobile banking, and many others. Therefore, it is essential to adhere to the regulations of the authorities. So, security strategies eliminate the risk of data loss and hacking practices.

11) Desktop Software Development

As the name suggests, desktop software is an application developed to run on laptops and PCs. Such applications are used on operating systems like Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, and Mac. The best example is programming and graphics software. 

Such software basically performs only on the desktop screen to ensure the sizes of images or layouts. Hence, desktop software development is configured with landscape view and laptop/PC features. 

Read also: How to Develop Web App Using React and Nodejs?

What is the Best SDLC Model to Use? 

Concerning the different development types, it is natural to utilize a strategic software development life cycle (SDLC). To make the development process simple and error-free, you need to analyze and figure out the right approach for your project.

Here is the list of different software development models. 

  • Agile Model
  • RAD (Rapid Application Development) Model
  • Big Bang Model
  • Waterfall Model
  • V model

Apart from these, the major consideration is following the stages of the chosen types of software development methodology. Let’s note down them. 

  1. Planning
  2. Collecting Information
  3. Design
  4. Development or Coding
  5. Testing
  6. Launch or Deployment
  7. Maintenance & Support 

Thus, the aforementioned are the common stages of any model you choose. You must have got the hint that the process demands hiring a software development team. So, you also need to learn how to manage the software development team and make the most of it. Hence, it suggested selecting the time-saving and less costly model.

Choose Your Type & Start Over! 

The broad magnitude of the software development types and methods has nth number of aspects. It’s up to you to redefine your idea and adapt to the types of software methodology you choose. To accomplish higher business goals. It is important to know the power of online platforms. You can connect with the experts to get insights on which type will be suitable for you or any related query.

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Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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