How To Increase Speed Of E-Commerce Store

How To Increase Speed Of E-Commerce Store

13 February, 2016 by img Jatin Panchal in E-commerce web development
How To Increase Speed Of E-Commerce Store

Webpage abandonment is an avoidable annoyance for any website. The download speed of eCommerce sites has improved efficiently because of the wider availability of higher broadband speeds and 4G mobile web connections.

The customers are more likely to stay on your site and click around if the ecommerce store runs quickly. Website speed has become so important which it serves as major factor to how your webpage ranks in Google search results. Amazon founds that for every 100 milliseconds delay in website, 1% of sales are loss. Even a one second delay can have impact on revenue of ecommerce retailers.

In this article, I crafted the ways to increase the speed of an ecommerce store

Know your speed

Conduct a test to see how long it takes for the entire website to load from starting to end as it stands right now. The speed test sites like Pingdom Tools or Google PageSpeed Insights tool can be tried which offer suggestions that could help your e-commerce site meet Google’s standards.

Get rid of excessive large images

Even though the screens of our desktop and mobile phones are more copious and have denser pixels, many of the images used on sites are too large that defer quick loading. To reach optimal performance, your entire website including images, HTML, CSS etc should be less than 100 KB. An awesome photo of product can be placed in the website instead of many different angles of the same item.

Compose attractive product description

Write product description that is engaging, interesting and original. The text description gives index and keywords which ensure that you can be found when searched by the customer in the search engines. Creating unique descriptions prevents your store from being accidently filtered out as spam by search engines.

Make your website mobile-friendly

Nowadays there are large numbers of mobile users who use their mobile phone to make online purchases. So thereby an essential and design investment should be made for optimizing your eCommerce Web Design for Mobile Devices. The mobile users have many different providers, web connection speeds or wi-fi capabilities are varied. This can be achieved by employing thumbnails instead of full-sized images. Your e-commerce store can be built using many popular platforms such as Magento that offer mobile optimization excluding additional fees.

Adjourn the loading of JavaScript

For more dynamic websites, it is best to call for the loading of the CSS of a page at the top of the HTML document and JavaScript at the end. If the JavaScript is placed before your site content, the site visitors won’t be viewing the site for a few milliseconds. Placing the JavaScript at the bottom of the code allows the important stuff to load first, keeping the viewer’s attention in focus.

Cache your Common files

Many elements of the e-commerce site remain constant from page to page, such as the CSS used to style the type and the image file used for your store logo. Caching these files in the browser saves the time of the browser which repeatedly downloads the same files from page to page. In the code, we need to add some extra code to site .htaccess file. In the code we need to name the file type and how long you think the code to be cached. The caching period assigned should be shorter, otherwise your site might not update in user’s browsers.


Due to the existing competition in e-commerce, it is getting harder, not easier, but there are more ways to made. But by following the suggestions described above, we will be in a better position to turn uncertainty into opportunity.


Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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