Top 8 Black Friday Marketing Ideas for eCommerce Businesses

Top 8 Black Friday Marketing Ideas for eCommerce Businesses

18 December, 2020 by img Rahul Panchal in E-commerce web development
Top 8 Black Friday Marketing Ideas for eCommerce Businesses

Black Friday is considered to be one of the most notable shopping events on the planet. This particular day is known to generate a considerable amount of money in revenue. Below, we have mentioned some stats to prove this:

  • In the year 2019, approximately $7 billion where spent by American customers on Black Friday
  • Around 94 million individuals used Black Friday for shopping online

Therefore, missing out on this day implies missing out a lot on revenues for eCommerce development services. In case you feel unprepared all of a sudden, there is no reason to panic. Despite having limited time, many things can be done to capitalize on the Black Friday promotion.


Below, we have mentioned the top 8 Black Friday marketing ideas for eCommerce businesses at present.

What exactly is Black Friday?

  • Black Friday is celebrated one day following the US Thanksgiving holiday. In the US, Thanksgiving takes place every year on the fourth Thursday of November, and therefore, Black Friday is always held on Friday. This shopping event is the biggest in the country, and customers usually skip their work for one day to take advantage of the Black Friday deals.
  • It began in 1950s Philadelphia – Following Thanksgiving, the very next Saturday was considered to match day between the Navy and Army college teams of Philadelphia. The football enthusiasts spent that Friday purchasing items from the stores for the holiday season. This excess traffic and crowd were referred to by the local police as Black Friday.
  • It turned out to be a global event – Despite being connected to the US, this particular day is considered to be the annual shopping event in the UK, Australia, Germany, and several other countries across the globe.

It is a fact that Black Friday is going to be one of the most significant events witnessed by your online business. Therefore, it will be imperative to prepare it for anything. Although it will be great to have some incredible Black Friday deals, it will be of no use if your website cannot handle the heat.


For this, you have to perform the following things:

  • Get ready for the traffic – It is a fact that your offers will compete with recommendations made by other individuals as well. Make it a point to go for a scalable server for coping with an increased number of visits, adequate mobile device functionality, and multiple options for payment.
  • Make your copy perfect – Make sure to SEO optimize your product descriptions for the discounting fever. Apart from wanting to show up in the sales, you’d likewise want your clients to trust your site as well.
  • Take inventory – You would not like to dedicate the marketing on Black Friday to items you do not have or those you are short on. Ensure which products are available before Black Friday and make sure that you will reduce prices.
  • Make a content calendar – It is time for you to put your marketing ideas together into one clean structure. Set out the marketing plans for Black Friday in a content calendar to make sure that you will use this massive event to your advantage.


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Top 8 Black Friday marketing ideas

Perhaps you have already become prepared for the big day. You ought to be since irrespective of what is being sold by your business, your clients will love a lucrative discount. Below, we have mentioned the top 8 Black Friday marketing ideas that will come of use.


1. Make use of Email Marketing


Clients are aware that Black Friday is approaching, and they’re going to expect emails from their preferred vendors. Make sure to welcome them with an out-and-out discounting newsletter. One easy marketing idea for Black Friday will be to launch an email campaign for boosting sales. It will come of use to you in the long run – the customers have given you their contact details, and you will be able to get to them on any gadget.

Your email marketing should be useful:

  • Send out customized Black Friday emails – Make use of several personal strategies for interacting with the clients deeply. You might be greeting them by their names, or you might list several Black Friday deals that will be appropriate for them, depending on their earlier purchases.
  • Segment the mailing list – Even though you might be having a target market, all your clients will not be the same. The shoppers can be segmented with email marketing to ensure that your sales appeal to various profiles and user demographics.


2. Give off VIP discounts


It will be possible to improve your email marketing strategy by identifying the most dedicated customers. It will be a sensible idea to reward them using discount codes. Although you’d like to have many individuals use your Black Friday deals to their advantage, it will be suitable to treat a particular group of customers like VIPs.

It does not matter whether you have a loyalty program already or using VIP discounts only for Black Friday marketing; customers will be encouraged to spend more because of the incentives. In case you’d like to run your offers over the entire weekend, customers can be encouraged to make use of their code several times.


3. Bear in mind the Social Media


It will be possible to get to a lot of prospective customers quickly with social media marketing services. Social media will prove to be your best friend in terms of Black Friday marketing. You might be starting to use it even right now. However, it will be sensible to prepare several weeks of content to make the clients excited about the big day.

Although you might have already covered your VIP customers, what about everybody else? Make sure to include discount codes in your social media posts captions for incentivizing prospective new clients for shopping your site.


4. Put together a Gift Guide


Bear in mind that Black Friday happens to be the gateway into the impending holiday season. Take advantage of it by putting together a gift guide for the customers. Gift guides will aid in contextualizing your items and also incentivizing individuals to purchase.

It will be the ideal solution for any problem, whether the customers are confused or lethargic. While creating a Black Friday guide, ensure to consider the requirements of your customers out there.


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5. Make donations for a charitable cause


We often criticize Black Friday for being excessively consumerist. In the end, it is an international shopping event which generates a lot of money for the retailers. Therefore, allow your customers to feel good regarding what they have purchased and make a vow to donate a part of the revenue to a charitable group. However, it will be imperative for you to do what you have promised. In case you fail to do so, it will merely drive the shopper away in the long run.


6. Offer incentives for spending more


It is a fact that purchasers often like to have something in return for the items purchased by them from your store. In case you’d like your outlet to get the attention in the middle of the marketing efforts on Black Friday, think of what can be offered by you for incentivizing your clients.

This will be a fantastic option if you’d like to go for alternative ideas to provide discounts for your products. After all, every business can’t be so generous. For this, you can present your shoppers with a lucrative deal on all future purchases. Apart from this, you can also offer free shipping with every single purchase made on Black Friday.


7. Introduce a Referral Program


A referral program will encourage your present clients to inform your business to their buddies. They will be getting a discount code once their friends make any purchase.


8. Provide Exclusive Services and Products


Taking part in Black Friday does not imply that you can simply add discounts to the services or products already sold by you. In case you’d like to engage your clients creatively, think of what can be offered by you exclusively for the event.

For instance, if you are selling digital downloads, it will be good to provide a free user tutorial for all the purchasers on Black Friday. However, for this, you have to be aware of the local trading regulations.



Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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