A Step By Step Guide On Mobile App Development Process: 2023 Edition

A Step By Step Guide On Mobile App Development Process: 2023 Edition

28 April, 2022 by img Rahul Panchal in Mobile App Development
A Step By Step Guide On Mobile App Development Process: 2023 Edition

Mobile apps will stay as the numerous utility tools used by people today. Mobile apps will generate nearly $693 million in revenue over the next year. Therefore, if your company is pondering about jumping into mobile app development, any time is good to do it.

However, it is important to keep a good mobile app development team ready for any mobile app creation projects that the company uses in the house or for clients. Before your company ventures into development with professionals, here is a lowdown on the mobile app development process for further clarity before full-fledged development.

The Mobile App Development Process

The actual mobile app development process has many phases and sub-processes that the professionals must follow. The company has to Hire Mobile App Developers and app UI designers for the many phases of mobile app development. Different teams of professionals collaborate on the entire process of prototyping and creating the complete app.

Always choose a team that has experienced and driven developers and designers. With a good team backing the project, the entire process becomes easy and rapidly completed.


1. Strategizing

The first step of the mobile app development process is to strategize the entire development approach. The development and launch strategy is formulated by taking the app development objectives.

The strategy is created to achieve the objectives with the help of the resources and manpower at hand. While strategizing, the team has to consider the target audience the app will cater to, the competition in the sector and the business objectives it will achieve after launch.

When the target audience is clear, and the company knows their needs, it can create an app that fulfils them and becomes very useful to them. On the other hand, when the company does extensive competitor research, it can know which features to focus on and which do not. After a good competitor analysis, the development team strategizes to create apps with unique features compared with major competitors.

2. Analysis And Planning The Process

The analysis and planning stage comes after strategizing. The data gathered during strategy and the outline drawn can be used to create applicable use cases and functionalities in the app. The planning of the app creation process allocates the resources according to the analysis of data and objectives highlighted in the strategic phase.

The planning phase also relates to the skill defining process so that it is clear which technical capabilities are needed onboard for the project. The analysis and planning stage is important to streamline all the team’s future mobile app development processes.

3. UI/UX Design

The UI or user interface and user experience design are important aspects of mobile app design and development. The UI/UX design has to consider the user experience touchpoints. The team has to take the end-users and their expectations from the app into consideration before designing the UI.

The user interface is the app layer through which the end-users interact with the app. Without UI and UX design, the end-user will fail to interact with the app properly, and the app will fail in its objective.

How the user experiences the app is very important to define through UI/UX design. Professional UI/UX designers on the team can help with user segment research and the entire app UI design. The UI/UX team defines the information and design architecture and creates wireframes for the app layout. These design wireframes are connected with codebases to create a functional app prototype at a later stage.

UI/UX designers also pay a lot of attention to the overall style and flow of the app and how it is presented to the user base. The team creates mock-ups of the visual design and then creates app prototypes that define the navigation and flow.

The prototype is reviewed by the team and higher management before the final concept and wireframe are finalized. Once the design and functionalities of the app are clear, the app framework is put to development.

4. App Development

The mobile app development process helps create the entire app framework with the help of a tech stack and design capabilities. The previous phases were based on trial and error. The app development process combines the technical structure and the design wireframe to create the entire app.

The development team chooses a robust tech stack that can complete the different development tasks and then achieve the defined development milestones for the team.

With the right choice of development stack, the whole process becomes fast and easy for the team. The team has to do server-side and front end or client-side development so that the app is completely functional.

5. Testing

Once the app is ready after a complete mobile development cycle, it must be thoroughly tested on multiple design and performance parameters. The app has to be fully tested and modified if necessary to be high performance and highly usable. The app has to be ready for a wide target audience.

The app framework should be future-oriented so that the app can stay functional over a long period. Testing also exposes the vulnerabilities and bugs in the app framework before launch so that the developer team can get rid of them. Even before a full-scale app launch, the app will be modified so that the user segment gets the best version of the app.

The objective of the mobile app development process is to create marketable and usable apps that people can use on their smartphones. Every mobile app is created to solve a real-life problem.

If your company is trying to get into mobile app development, it has to first identify the problem and then expand the idea of solving it to an app deployment concept. Once the app concept is clear, the app development process can be approached with the help of professional developers and designers.



Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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