Why Custom App Development Is The Next Step For Your Business?

Why Custom App Development Is The Next Step For Your Business?

23 March, 2022 by img Jatin Panchal in Mobile App Development
Why Custom App Development Is The Next Step For Your Business?

The number of apps used by the public has grown and continues to grow. The number of apps entering the market is also increasing day by day. Whether a phone or a laptop, every device is bound to have some apps for use and functionality.  A trend in the app development scenario is driven by businesses taking up app development for building reach and better customer experience. An app brings a business closer to its target audience. A customized app brings the business closer to better revenue and profits. This article discusses the many benefits of Custom App Development and how businesses utilize these apps.

Custom App Development and Its Hype

Before considering the benefits of a customized app interface, let us understand why the app ecosystem is a mine of business opportunities.


Wide Reach

More than 5 billion mobile phone users worldwide today. When we count the number of smart devices people use, the number of app and internet users goes up by manifold. Therefore, the audience for apps is only increasing. A business can reach a higher number of people through a single app with all its services and convenience factors.

An Ever-Increasing Base

Although many apps are already out in the market, app downloads continue to surge. By 2023, there will be some 15.2 billion app downloads worldwide. This indicates that the usability of apps, specially customized apps, will only increase. Businesses can take advantage of this ever-increasing usability base.

A Perennial Source of Revenue

It is not just in numbers that the usability of apps limits itself. The usage of apps reflects in the business revenue it generates for companies. According to data and projections, business revenue generated by apps alone will be $935 billion by the end of 2023. This collective revenue of the sector will be distributed across different businesses and companies.

Keeping all the data above in mind, it is not a surprise that app development is a predominant trend in the business sector.

What Is Custom App Development?

Now we understand the need for apps and why app development is necessary to fulfill the mutual needs of the market and the business that coexist. However, what is custom app development, and why is it a highlight in the app development scenario? Custom app development is the process of developing an app customized to suit the needs and goals of your business.

The need for specialized apps for specific business solutions has created scope for custom app development. When every business wants to enter the app scenario and offer the best services to a specific audience, custom apps are the way ahead. Custom apps benefit from offering specific solutions, never seen before features in a simple interface. To keep your audience interested in the digitized face of your business, you need to float customized apps in the market.

While floating an app in the market is very easy, most times, a business needs a specialized interface for the delivery message to a specific audience segment. It is very important to float customized, unique apps for an audience very familiar with apps and websites.

Benefits of Customized Apps


1. Higher Efficiency of Apps

The efficiency of customized apps is higher than that of generic apps. Many new frameworks support custom app development. For example, a very popular app development framework is the Flutter app development service. Such platforms backed by tech giants help create highly efficient app frameworks. It is efficient for use by the end-user and efficient in deriving the goals of business for your organization.

A customized app is developed according to the business needs, and it will function as a great tool for meeting your business goals. The performance in revenue enhancement and tangible growth is higher with custom-made apps. A customized app is believed to support your business efficiency 46 percent more than traditional methods.

Moreover, it automates many processes inside your business organization which increases the efficiency of your manpower.

2. Increases Productivity

Apart from efficiency, customized apps are also used for productivity. A good quality customized app boosts your organization’s productivity by 41 percent. Your company’s services reach your audience faster, and productivity from your base processes increases by manifold. Your organization can help a greater range of people with lesser resources. Here the productivity of your business and workforce increases, not because of quantity but because of a boost in quality.

When you provide some services to your consumer base, they want to see the investment return on investing in the services. Sixty percent or more end-users believe that their investment return in a company’s services increases through app use. The value and quality of your services increase with customized apps.

3. Higher Security Levels

The security levels of apps increase when they are customized and developed with specific codes. Generic apps with conventional frameworks are easy to crack and copy through cyber threats and methods. In a world where data privacy is a huge concern, audiences want secure and very safe apps on their phones. They do not want to feel like their phone is spying on them. A custom-made application with better authorization techniques is a better alternative to generic apps. Higher security frameworks and secure network connectivity protect customer and business data.

These are why customized apps are best for businesses that want to digitize their processes. Businesses that invest in custom app development see an exponential rise in profits and customer loyalty.



Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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