5 Best Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks 2019

5 Best Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks 2019

27 September, 2019 by img Rahul Panchal in Mobile App Development
5 Best Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks 2019

Which kind of mobile app development is easy for web developers to work upon? Any Idea? The best answer is Hybrid Mobile Application Development. It makes work very simple for the web engineers, Easy to assemble an individual application which performs productively on various stages, for example, iOS, Android and windows with no additional exertion.

What is Hybrid App Development?

Hybrid application is a software application that combines elements of both native apps and web applications. It consists of HTML 5, JavaScript,  web app and native app elements. It’s been written into the HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, and then compiled into native iOS, Android or other mobile platform using wrapper technologies such as PhoneGap or Cordova.

Advantages of the Hybrid app

Lot of  benefits of the Hybrid App such as…

– Cost-effective Development

– Access to a wide range of numerous hardware/software capabilities & probability

– Profitable App solutions & Offline Support

– High-speed performance

– Attractive UI/UX designs

– Qualified for online marketplace

You might be aware of the above benefits of hybrid app, but now most crucial situation of this entire process is you need high-quality & innovative mobile app framework to develop hybrid applications.

Best 5 Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks 2019

1. Flutter

Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google.  It is used to develop high quality applications for Android and iOS. This framework initial release date is May 2017. Flutter framework is fast and help with develop cross platform application.

Features as…

–  It is free and open source.

–  It depends on Dart – a quick, object-arranged programming language.

–  Provide its own gadgets.

–  Flutter applications look and feel extraordinary due to rich gadgets.

–  The design of Flutter depends on the extremely mainstream receptive programming of these days

2. React Native

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop interactive mobile applications for Android, iOS, Web and UWP by enabling developers to use React along with native platform capabilities. This framework makes coding easier for mobile app developers with a single JavaScript codebase. Uber Eats, Instagram and many more applications are the best example of React Native.

Features as…

– It’s an open Source

– It covers the two iOS and Android Platforms

– It is simply focussed on UI structure

– Use a similar code for building application for the various stages.

– Helps to diminish an opportunity to compose code

– The improvement time in React Native is significantly short.

– Support for Third-Party Libraries


Read more about: React Native: The future of Mobile Development


3. Ionic

Ionic framework is the most popular and favourite Angular JS based framework in Hybrid app development. It is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development. Ionic makes it easy to design beautiful, high-performance mobile and Progressive Web Apps (or PWAs) using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Features as…

– It’s Free and open source system.

– Ionic is utilizing AngularJS MVC engineering for building rich single page applications advanced for cell phones.

– With the local look and feel, CSS segments offer practically all components that a portable application needs.

– Cordova modules offer API required for utilizing local gadget capacities with JavaScript code.

– Very valuable stage for transferring, sharing and testing your application on local gadgets.

– Ionic is discharged under MIT permit

4. Framework 7

Framework7 is an open source and free framework to develop mobile, desktop or web apps; Framework7 can also be used as a prototyping tool. it allows to create web apps, progressive web apps (PWA) and iOS and Android apps with native look and feel.Framework7 paired with extra tools like Electron and NW.js allows to build native desktop apps.

Features as…

– It is free open source HTML structure

– Quickly create iOS and Android applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

– It can be utilized alongside different structures, for example, React, Angular, and so forth.

– Apps worked with Framework7 are quicker and progressively responsive.

– Making the touch UI smoother, it has a worked in FastClick library

– It is thoroughly liberated from permit charge.

5. Xamarin

Xamarin is a hybrid app  framework to develop a cross platform mobile application using C#. Xamarin is different because it offers a single language C# and runtime that works on three mobile platforms (Android, iOS and Windows). From Xamarin we get a mobile app which looks and feels completely native. Here we write one C# code base which will have access to all the features which are available for native SDK.

Features as…

– Using C# which is a cutting edge language and has numerous enhancements over Objective-C and Java.

– It is cross-stage support for three significant mobile stages (Android, iOS and Windows).

– It is lessens the time and cost of versatile application improvement

– Xamarin gives a huge assortment of class libraries

– Xamarin give strong gather time checking. This will prompt less run time mistakes and top notch applications.



In this blog, we suggest you best 5 hybrid mobile app framework 2019 which helpful while developing hybrid application. These 5 frameworks are suitable and easy for development and maintenance of smaller to enterprise level project.


If you have any query regarding hybrid mobile app , feel free to contact us with our app developers.




Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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