Amazon Cognito:  The Key Components and How Is It Better Than Others?

Amazon Cognito: The Key Components and How Is It Better Than Others?

30 November, 2021 by img Rahul Panchal in Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Amazon Cognito:  The Key Components and How Is It Better Than Others?

Amazon Cognito allows you to add user sign-in, and sign-up quicker and provides authorization for your mobile and web apps. It is an entire solution that stores passwords, and usernames, manages sessions, and offers forgot password functionality. As it is best to authenticate users, you should include support for different identity providers in web & mobile app development. Besides that, Amazon Cognito also enables apps to perform their system for authentication.

This service saves and synchronizes with the data of end-users and enables app developers to write codes rather than create and manage all back-end infrastructure. Thus, it speeds up the web & mobile app development process. To achieve all the benefits and functionalities, you have to integrate your system with its endpoints.

Amazon Cognito gathers the profile attributes into directories known as user pools which a web app and mobile app utilizes for configuration of access to the AWS resources. Access control through authentication confirms the person’s identity and checks whether they are allowed to do it. There are several more things that you can get with Amazon Cognito, which are discussed in the blog.


Amazon Cognito Major Components


Amazon Cognito Major Components

The identity management or user management services depend on two essential functions that are authorization and authentication. Authorization refers to the process of facilitating your access rights confirmation to several AWS services and resources. At the same time, authentication means validating the claims on your identity. All these strengthen the Amazon Cognito platform. There are two main components that Amazon Cognito comprises.

1. User Pools

In Amazon Cognito, it works as the user directory. Using this, users can log in to the mobile or web app using the platform or any other federate via third-party IdP or identity provider. Whether your users directly sign in or use third parties, the members or user pool contains one directory profile that you can get via an SDK.

2. Identity Pools

This simplifies the user access authentication to AWS resources. It provides temporary credentials to the users so that all of them can access the resources without again entering their credentials. Both the components can be used separately as well as together.


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How to Use Amazon Cognito?

How to Use Amazon Cognito?

You can begin using Amazon Cognito by following these simple steps.

  • Get the AWS Account

For accessing an account, you have to sign up. Open the sign-up portal for AWS and follow the instructions provided, where you get a call and email for confirming verification.

  • Create IAM User Profile

If you already have the IAM user account, then you can skip it. For creating the IAM user, you have to make an AWS account and start with one sign-in identity. The identity has full access to AWS resources and services. For signing in, enter the email ID and password which you have used for creating the account.

  • Create IAM User with Access Keys

Here you have to go to your Management Console of AWS, and after opening the console, you can select users from its navigation pane. Then proceed to select the tab of security credentials, and in the section of Access Keys, you can make your access key. Download and store the key pair in a secured location.

Through this process, you can get started with the platform. Now, let’s dive into the advantages that make Amazon Cognito better than other authorization token systems.


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What Makes Amazon Cognito Better Than Other Third-Party Authorization Token Systems?


What Makes Amazon Cognito Better Than Other Third-Party Authorization Token Systems?

1. Secure Passwords

Amazon web services handle all security responsibilities while web & mobile app development ensures the database is protected. No one has access to users’ passwords, and from a security viewpoint, it is excellent. Cognito keeps passwords while meeting key compliance standards such as HIPAA, ISO 9001, PCI DSS. AWS follows the best practices when it comes to security.


2. Easy Integration

Amazon Cognito includes an API gateway which takes lesser time to set the API and validate against the Cognito pool. Such validation occurs before the API passes a call to the upcoming function. Thus, it reduces the validating sessions’ cost.


3. User Data Synchronization with Cognito Sync

The data of user profiles get synchronized well with Cognito Sync after web & mobile app development. Such a feature enables users to get the User ID as well as credentials using the platform. This service supports iOS and Android devices with top-notch client libraries and makes data available when the device is offline.


4. SAML and OAuth

The platform also provides the functionality needed for the OAuth integration. There is no necessity for writing down the codes for managing user sessions along with authentication tokens. The API set of AWS enables you to call Cognito for validating tokens or getting the newer ones. It handles account validation, requests to reset passwords, and maintenance operations. Besides OAuth, one can also integrate with IdPs. From Google to SAML, Amazon Cognito provides the capacity to add sign-in options easily.


5. Faster Startup

With Amazon Cognito, you can easily and quickly set up your app authentication. By setting up the Cognito Pool, then connect to the API for starting. This is great when you desire an app prototype or want to emphasize app functionality. Cognito benefits you in emphasizing the important features for offering unique value. Moreover, it includes Hosted UI, which allows a page to be available for the user login.


Wrapping Up

Amazon Cognito is an amazing service that is a secure, easy, and cheap option out there. For setting up an app prototype, Amazon Cognito can be an excellent choice. It allows you to concentrate on features that produce value and provides you with a fully secured authentication system.

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Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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