What’s New And Exciting In Android 13?

What’s New And Exciting In Android 13?

21 April, 2022 by img Rahul Panchal in Android App Development
What’s New And Exciting In Android 13?

While people are waiting for Android 12, the preparations are on for the launch of Android 13. Google has been releasing its latest android operating system for mobile devices, and the next one in this software pipeline is Android 13. Android 13 has already been released as a developer preview version, and we know that the large-scale version for devices is not far from its launch event.

How Does The Release Benefit The Android App Development Companies?

Using the basic features of Android 13, android app development companies can now create new apps for android devices. Android app development companies have been developing new apps and new versions of existing apps according to the new versions of android operating systems released by Google.

Google is making advanced operating systems with new features with every version release. In this article, we discuss the features of the operating system version 13 and how it will help developers. As the developers’ preview is already in the market, we have learned about the tentative list of features Android 13 has.

Android 13- The Name Struggle

The Android 13 operating system will be the 22nd version of the Android OS since its first release in 2008. After more than a decade, the Android 13 version is released as an upgrade above its predecessors. At first, Android versions were named after sweet delicacies and candies. However, the latest versions of Android, like Android 12, are named according to their numerical order. The numerical order started with Android 10, which would be released as a sweet name with the letter Q, but there were no good dessert names to choose with the letter Q.

Therefore, the Android 10 system was named according to a number, and its successors continued this trend. Android 13 will also take this naming and numbering trend forward. While many android loyalists have welcomed the change as a move toward simplicity, many feel like Android has lost its uniqueness, reflected in its out-of-the-box names.

Many feel like it will be difficult to remember such numerical names. Many customers believe that Google is going with the Tiramisu name as the official name of Android 13. This will only be confirmed after the release of the version in the market. However, if you go by the ‘what’s in a name?’ principle, Android 13 will bring some refreshing changes to the android operating system lineup.

Android 13- Tentative Release Date

The Android 13 version will most probably release by the end of August 2022 or September 2022. The Android 13 version will be under testing and update cycles till June 2022. The beta update of the Android 13 OS will happen by June 2022, which will enhance the platform stability and security of the OS. Once the platform stability and security of Android 13 are reached, it will be released in the market

What Can Users and Developers Expect?

The Android 13 version will be supporting most android devices and smartphones after its release. Once Android 13 is released in the market, the OS will be available on most of the current devices and the upcoming devices to be released in the market. Developers and industry insiders predict that the new update will support all Google Pixel phones after the basic Pixel 3 device.

The Android 13 features will first be available exclusively on the Pixel smartphones. However, the spectrum of Android 13 functions will extend to other Android-powered smartphones later. However, how many existing phones will upgrade to the Android 13 version is not clear because the upgraded phone models have been decreasing with the release of Android 11 and Android 12.

Newest Features Of Android 13

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1. New Color Themes

The Android 12 release introduced the features of new color themes depending on the main color of the wallpaper in use. While Android 12 introduced this feature, android 13 will take the feature forward with new additions and upgrades on color themes. Android 13 will add more interactive and vibrant features in these themes that will bind the entire UI of the phone together. These color themes will increase the quality of user experience arising from the device use.

2. Notifications

In the earlier version, Android used runtime permissions to create an interface that asked for permissions before using a microphone and camera on certain apps and for some functionalities. This will help the user shut off access to some very accessible hardware points. In the android 13 version, the operating system will also extend the runtime permission to incoming notifications.

Under this feature, the software will ask for permission before displaying the entire notification on the bar. This will simplify the notifications display settings and prevent overcrowding of the notifications panel. Today, we use so many apps on a phone that managing notifications and their display is necessary.

3. Panlingual OS

Today, the world has become global, and every phone user knows more than one or two languages. Moreover, business professionals may have to switch the language according to the country they are working in or on tour. The Android 13 release will include features that allow a panlingual OS to offer you multiple languages on the same device. The user can change the language preferences for each app depending on his requirements.

The user can also change the overall language settings of the entire phone UI. However, the user’s language should be present in the app language settings for which it is chosen. There can be coordination and seamless language change only when the language is present in App UI and Mobile UI. Therefore, several apps must undergo a linguistic upgrade before they become compatible with Android 13.

4. Lock Screen Customization

Every version of the Android OS allows a lock screen customization feature. In the Android 13 release, the customization options will be improved and advanced. For example, the lock screen can be customized to show the notifications in smaller versions. The screen’s clock will adjust in size according to the notifications present on the lock screen.

Apart from these features, features like a new, advanced volume picker and an advanced Phantom Process Killer are included in the new functionalities of Android 13. After its release and further upgrades, the features will be clearer.

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Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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