Angular v13: Key Features and Major Updates

Angular v13: Key Features and Major Updates

20 December, 2021 by img Rahul Panchal in Hire AngularJs Developers
Angular v13: Key Features and Major Updates

The all-new version of the Angular framework is now released. It has come up with Angular 13, a major planned upgrade compared to other versions. This new version includes numerous updates and features, which will be quite helpful for AngularJS development services. AngularJS has gained immense popularity for creating responsive, interactive, and faster websites.

Over the years, this Google-created framework has been making upgrades to ease out the work of web developers, and Angular 13 is by far one of its best versions. With every new release, the Angular framework enhances its performance and features. Let’s dive deeper into the key features and improvements in the new version.

Angular v13 Major Features and Improvements

1. Completely Ivy and No View Engine Support

Angular 13 is a fully Ivy-based version, and the view engine support is now unavailable. You will not find any older output format in this version. It has removed the complicacy in the codebase and reduced the maintenance cost. Angular 13 has changed all the internal tools into Ivy to function smoothly.

When you hire an AngularJS developer for your project, you will get faster delivery as Ivy assembles all components one by one to enhance the development speed. Also, there is no need for a compatibility compiler or NGCC for libraries. As there is no necessity for metadata, the team can compile faster.

2. TypeScript 4.4 Support

The new version supports TypeScript 4.4, and no older versions are supported. It does not support TypeScript 4.3 or 4.2 as well. The new version is beneficial for apps as it does not implement getters or setters.

3. No IE11 Support

With the removal of Internet Explorer 11 support, Angular 13 can take advantage of the browser features like web animations and CSS variables. It helps to load faster and decreases the bundle size for apps. Angular 13 has eliminated the IE-specific polyfills and the need for a distinctive loading. The developers will leverage better build infrastructure and APIs.


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4. Angular Tests Improvements

The team of Angular has made many modifications to TestBed. It now tears down the test environments and modules after completing one test. It cleans the DOM after each test. It makes tests faster and optimizes them while reducing interdependency.

5. API Updates

In the Angular 13 version, the API is simplified. Ivy allows developers to dynamically build components. Earlier, the creation of components needs much time and boilerplate codes. The new ESBuild also improves the performance and works with terser to optimize worldwide scripts. ESBuild also supports CSS source maps to optimize style sheets and global CSS. Moreover, this JavaScript bundler supports other languages such as Svelte, Vue, and Elm.

6. Angular CLI Enhancements

In the new version of Angular, the framework supports persistent-build-cache and is set as default. The feedback from it results in enhancing the build speed. It improves the development speed, and you can disable or enable the option using the Angular apps. After you hire AngularJS developer, the individual can handle the complexity of the website development ecosystem with the help of Angular CLI.


Angular v13


7. APF Version 13

Angular-Package-Format or APF specifies the entire structure and format of the framework packages. APF is the best way to package third-party libraries in the development ecosystem. In Angular 13’s new APF version, modifications include partial compilation output creation of Ivy, ES2020 output production, etc.

8. Dependency Updates and Framework Modifications

Angular 13 comes with multiple updates and essential alterations. RxJS 7.4 is kept as default in the applications built using ng new. All existing applications need manual up-gradation through the npm-install [email protected] command.

9. Accessibility Update

Accessibility or Ally is the foundation of all the things in the Angular community. The Angular team has made major improvements in the components of Angular Material. Every MDC-based component is evaluated to comply with Ally standards on fields like contrast, ARIA, touch targets, etc. This update enables AngularJS development services providers to deliver more inclusive applications.

10. New Forms type

With the release of the newer version, a new form type is also created. FormControl Status is the form type that gathers all status strings to control forms. For example, the AbstractControl.status type is now FormControlStatus, and the string is removed. Also the Status Changes type have changed to Observable<FormControlStatus> instead of Observable <any>.

11. Localization Improvements

Using $localize API, developers can create a better approach for tag messages and i18n or in-built internationalization. It is used to translate codes and templates.

12. Adobe Font Support

In the Angular 13 version, there is support to inline Google fonts and Adobe fonts. Inlining the fonts, application performance enhances as it accelerates the FCP or First-Contentful-Paint. This modification is enabled as default.

13. Other Changes

The render Module Factory is not needed in Angular 13 due to Ivy. Instead of that, one should use render Module. The option destroy After Each in the testing module has the default value true. In the older versions, the value was set to false. The language service in Angular 13 supports auto-completion of string types in the templates.

Wrapping Up

Angular releases its new versions every few months, and this time it is Angular v13. After reading the blog, you might have an idea about the features and improvements in the new version. There are countless amazing features and changes which will support the developers and simplify their tasks. By upgrading to the new version, developers can largely benefit from it.

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Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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