How to Make a Vue.js Website SEO Friendly?

How to Make a Vue.js Website SEO Friendly?

14 October, 2022 by img Jatin Panchal in Vue.JS
How to Make a Vue.js Website SEO Friendly?

Following a particular study, approximately 55% of JavaScript sites lose rankings because of inadequate JavaScript code handling and SEO resources. Therefore, it will be imperative to make your Vue.js site SEO-friendly to prevent any adversity regarding your product. To do this, you have to understand the different problems in Vue.js and how to fix these problems to obtain a high ranking for the service or product offered by you.


Issues related to SEO with Vue JS

As stated previously, more than 50% of websites lose their rankings because of inadequate JavaScript handling or SEO. Furthermore, there happen to be several problems in terms of SEO with the Vue JS framework. React, and Angular also face identical problems right now.

Below, we have mentioned several of these issues in detail. However, before that, we will take a look at some other essential information.

Why use Vue JS?



How to Make a Vue.js Website SEO Friendly?


It is a fact that Vue JS will allow you to get access to big things despite being a small package. If a framework’s size happens to be small, it will be used much more. This happens to be amongst the most notable benefits of Vue JS.

The framework’s size is only 18 KB, which is much smaller than either React or Angular, and users can download it quickly. Vue JS will be able to compete with all the significant frameworks on the market at present. It is being used by lots of well-known websites such as GitLab and Behance.

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How is it possible to make Vue JS SEO-friendly?

 Make it a point to stick to these practices while making Vue JS SEO-friendly:

  • Make use of the Vue Router.
  • Use the “History” mode rather than the conventional “Hash” mode.
  • Make use of Lazy Loading.
  • Include meta tags along with the Vue-meta npm package.
  • Use server-side rendering or pre-rendering.
  • Enhance the speed of page loading in Vue.js.
  • Mobile optimization using material design.


1. Utilize “History” mode rather than the conventional “Hash” mode

Perhaps you have come across “#” in lots of URLs. You will find it quite tough to index hashtag URLs in Google, and it is tougher to rank with these URLs.

If you search Google for a keyword, you might observe that the initial ten results happen to be clean URLs. You can use the History mode for cleaning the URL by removing hashtags. You have to select between history mode and hash mode thanks to Vue CLI 3 while initiating the project. Therefore, configuring hash mode is not difficult at all. However, the history mode can be employed by you for creating a clean URL. You can use following code:

const router = new VueRouter ({
mode: ‘history’,
router: [] //the array of router links


2. Include Meta Tags

It is a fact that Vue.js happens to be a single page app framework and functions on a components system similar to React; consequently, you will come across only a single HTML file. Every other template is within .vue files. <head> tags can’t be included within the .vue file since it generates an issue for adding titles, meta descriptions, as well as canonical URLs.

Meta tags play an important role in obtaining superior rankings. It is simple to add meta tags within the Vue JS framework, and in case you hire Vuejs developer, he will be able to get the job done without any problem whatsoever. The meta tag has to be simply added to the particular component file within the script tag.


3. Use Vue Router

The routing method will enable the user to move between pages, so there is no need to refresh the page. This is to make navigation very simple in web apps.

You’ll come across several ways for using a hash mark in a click-through URL. This hashtag is utilized for pointing a browser to a particular spot within the website or page. On most occasions, it is employed for separating an object’s URL from a fragment identifier.

Vue JS is incredibly fast in terms of page loading in comparison to the other frameworks mentioned earlier. At present, Vue.js is employed for developing lots of forums, business websites, and blogs.

Vue router configuration helps make it very simple for the programmers to create an SEO-friendly URL using the history mode. Vue.js sites also create hashtag mode URLs containing hashtags. The usage of a router link helps make the navigation of any page quite fast, and it is beneficial for your website’s SEO services. You can use following code:

<router-link >
<button>About Creator</button>

<router-link >
<a>About Creator</a>

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4. Employ Lazy Loading for components

Rather than rendering the whole page, the lazy loading concept happens to be loading only the necessary components. Therefore, it is imperative to modify the router file to use lazy loading in Vue.js. Once again, lazy loading will assist you in enhancing the loading speed of a page, and only the required components for a specific page will be loaded.


5. Use server-side rendering or pre-rendering

We all know that Vue JS happens to be a SPA (single page application) framework which implies that there is going to be only a single HTML plus <div> tag consisting of the “app” id that is updated from the components. In case the source is viewed by you, you will find that the identical HTML file will load for every homepage or requested landing page.

Because of this drawback, it will not be possible for Google bots to read a specific landing page’s contents, and your site might not get higher rankings. However, two methods, namely, server-side rendering and pre-rendering, can be used by you for helping Google bots to read the content.

  • Pre-rendering

It will be sensible to opt for pre-rendering if you are developing a small website. However, performing pre-rendering will be imperative to modify the conf.js file after setting up the pre-render plug-in.


  • Server-side rendering

Server-side rendering will be appropriate for you in case you are in the process of developing a big website consisting of several pages. It will be possible to perform server-side rendering using Nuxt.js, and you will come across comprehensive documentation regarding this on the official website of Vue.js. Many programmers have also observed that the speed of page loading can be enhanced by rendering pages.


6. Page loading speed

It is known to all of us that our world is moving quickly, and the attention span of individuals is becoming shorter over time. For this reason, searches are turning out to be more precise and quick. Nevertheless, in case the loading speed of your page is more than 5 seconds, you might be penalized by Google as per their regulations.

Vue JS comes with an astounding library named Vuex, along with a wonderful state management pattern. The Vuex store will sit in the center of each component, which helps make the application appear simple. In addition, Vuex does not require you to use Events or Props for component communication, which helps to minimize the lines of code and enhances the app’s performance.

In addition to Vuex, you can likewise make use of server-side rendering, pre-rendering, lazy loading, as well as routing for enhancing the page loading speed. We have already explained these techniques previously.

Must Read: Why is Vue.js Constantly Growing?

7. Include a site map

As suggested by the name, a sitemap happens to be the map of the architecture of your site for search bots. Although it is not essential to have a sitemap, it can be beneficial for indicating to the search engines which particular pages are of specific relevance on your website. However, adding the sitemap is somewhat complicated in a single-page application.

It is not essential to add site maps in case you are not developing a large website. You can use a plug-in known as Vue-router-sitemap for including a sitemap in a Vue application.



It is a fact that while using a new framework, you have some time to get used to it. Consequently, which framework is being used by you is not that important in the long run. Every single framework has its advantages and downsides, which imply that there ought to be just the correct choice for each case while developing a product.


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Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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