Laravel 10: Latest Update And New Features

Laravel 10: Latest Update And New Features

23 February, 2023 by img Rahul Panchal in Laravel Development
Laravel 10: Latest Update And New Features
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The core team of Laravel is determined to do everything in its power to become the first choice of business owners in light of the growing market demand for exceptional services and updates. On February 7, 2023, the new version 10 of Laravel, packed with exciting features and enhanced security, was released.

Laravel 10 makes creating high-quality, scalable, and secure applications easier than ever by introducing several new features and improving existing functionality. Laravel 10 has something for everyone, whether you are a seasonal Laravel developer or just getting started. Learn about Laravel 10 from the leading Laravel development company in this blog post.

What Is The Vision Of The Laravel 10 Release?

Laravel and its first-party packages follow the Semantic Versioning methodology. This means that significant updates to the framework are released once a year in the first quarter. The most recent release of the framework, Laravel 10, includes exciting new features and updates. In the past, a new version of Laravel was released every six months. Additionally, following the support policy, all Laravel versions will receive support for 18 months for bug fixes and two years for security updates.

Laravel’s core team used to release two significant variants every six months, once a year. However, the release schedule was altered when Laravel founder Taylor Otwell officially stated that a single mainstream variant would be released annually. The core group and community needed to break the framework to devote more time and effort to a particular technology version and incorporate new capabilities.

What Are The New Features Of Laravel 10?

Latest Features and Updates The most recent version of Laravel 10 includes several significant enhancements that product owners will appreciate. Let’s examine these modifications in greater detail:


1. Support For HP 8.0 Has Ended

You will not find PHP <=Version 8.0 in the latest Laravel 10. For Laravel 10, the latest requirement is PHP 8.1. PHP 8.0 is no longer supported in Laravel 10, so upgrading to PHP 8.1 or 8.2 is required, even though updating your Laravel applications to the most recent version of Laravel as soon as it is released is not necessary. Nevertheless, extensive testing is still recommended, particularly for projects involving paid clients or employees. Additionally, Predis v1 support has ended, as has PHP 8.0 support, and you must upgrade to Predis v2.

2. Artisan (Installation Of Laravel 10)

Artisan, an integrated tool provided by Laravel, can complete most of the repetitive and time-consuming programming tasks that PHP developers typically avoid. The artisans can likewise be used to create the database’s structure, a skeleton code, and their migration to make the database system relatively easy to use. It can also directly generate MVC files from the command line to manage those assets and their configurations. Developers can use artisan to create their commands as well.

3. Default Invokable Validation Rules

When developing a new Invokable management in Laravel 9, the –invokable flag had to be added after the artisan command. However, in Laravel 10, you can easily create a new Invokable rule by running the following command: Additionally, the boilerplate code is simple to understand, making it less stern for programmers to develop their own individualized validation rules.

4. Skeleton Code For An Application With Type Declarations

In the past, DocBlocks were used in Laravel’s skeleton code to clearly explain a particular code’s function and the responses or parameters it returns. However, all user codes within the framework will now include type-hints and return types, thanks to the most recent Type Declarations.

Method Arguments, Return Types, removing unnecessary annotations whenever possible, excluding the Types property, and giving users access to closure arguments are some of the other features. The core framework’s backward compatibility is unaffected by these enhancements, which add additional benefits.

5. Exhibited The Laravel Pennant

The Laravel Pennat is a lightweight and easy-to-use feature flag package that makes it simple to add new features to your application. It sustains trunk-based development techniques, has an interface design for A/B testing, and more. Using feature flags, you can turn on or off a feature at runtime without changing the code.

6. MVC Architecture Support

Using an MVC design pattern, you can use Laravel to separate the business logic and presentation layers. Laravel’s MVC design includes several built-in features that improve the application’s scalability, performance, and security.

7. dispatchNow() Removed

The “dispatchNow()” method was deprecated in Laravel 9 and has since been replaced with “dispatchSync()” in Laravel 10. Because it is a fundamental change, you must return it to your current projects. However, the solution is straightforward.

8. Libraries OO

Laravel provides developers with a plethora of features thanks to the assistance of object-oriented libraries. These are only available in Laravel and not in any other PHP framework. Hashing, password resets, encryption, and the capability to confirm existing users are just a few of the cutting-edge features in this library that come pre-installed.

9. Object Relational Mapping With Eloquence

Eloquent ORM (Object Relational Mapping) is a PHP Active Record implementation provided by Laravel. Web app developers can use this feature to write database queries in PHP syntax rather than SQL code. Compared to previous PHP frameworks, ORM is a little bit faster.

10. Simple Procedures

For the Symphony Process component, Laravel provides a straightforward and extensive API that makes it simple to run external processes within your Laravel application. This process functionality greatly enhances the development experience, which addresses typical use cases.

11. Support For Predis V1 Was Removed From Laravel 10

If your project uses Predis version 1, it is time to upgrade to version 2. Additionally, the PHP Redis extension is available. When you have a lot of visitors, this extension, which is the fastest, will make your website run faster. Visit GitHub to see: [ 10.x] Remove support for Predis v1.

12. Powerful Application Security

One of Laravel’s most noticeable features is its security features. Developers will find this framework’s robust and advanced web app security helpful. The security features use a salted and hashed password process to prevent the password from being saved in plain text in the user’s database.

13. Make Modular Libraries And Functions

Programmers can use pre-installed modular libraries unavailable in most other PHP frameworks with this framework. Implementing it is a breeze thanks to the Authentication library. It has password reset, CSRF protection, Bcrypt hashing, security, active user verification, and encryption, among other features. In addition, Laravel has broken up into distinct sections that each use cutting-edge PHP concepts to make it possible to create modular and responsive web applications.

What Are The Detractions In Laravel 9 And Deductions From Laravel 10?

The team is gradually eliminating out-of-date methods from Laravel 9 in the Laravel 10 branch as part of the most recent Laravel update. The documentation contains the updated Laravel upgrade procedure documentation, which includes a list of all deprecated methods and packages. To achieve the desired result, developers who plan to elevate their projects to Laravel v10 will require to rewrite their code utilizing a new procedure. The following are some of the changes that moved from the nine branches to the main branch:

  1. The Route::home method, which Laravel 9 made obsolete.
  2. The toBase equivalent of the getBaseQuery process.
  3. There is no longer any use for the MaintenanceModeException class.
  4. The property MocksApplicationServices.
  5. The main fake’s Mail::failures method.
  6. A suggestion is to use $casts rather than the no longer supported $dates property.
  7. assertTimesSent() is the method.
  8. There is no longer support for Predis 1 or doctrine/dbal 2.
  1. Since Laravel stopped supporting version 2, it removed all connected detractions in doctrine/dbal.

How To Install Laravel 10?

  • You must follow the following requirements before you can install Laravel 10:
  • PHP >= 7.3.0 Composer After installing these, follow the steps below:
  • Navigate to the directory where you want to install Laravel 10 in the terminal.
  • To install Laravel, run the following command:
  • Composer –prefer-dist laravel/laravel=10* project-name Substitute the name you want to give your Laravel project for project-name.
  • Use cd project-name to navigate the project directory after finishing the installation.
  • To create a new application key, run the following command:
  • The key for PHP Artist: generates. Finally, issue the following command to start the development server:
  • Your Laravel 10 project will be accessible via PHP artisan serve at http://localhost:8000.


Laravel 10 is a comprehensive solution for modern web development thanks to adding updated and new features. A number of the most recent Laravel features and updates include in Laravel 10, intending to enhance the framework’s performance and the developer experience.

It’s important to note that Laravel is an open-source framework, so you own the codebase each time you install a new model on your device. Nevertheless, you will be accountable for keeping the rendition on your own.

Therefore it is suggested to prioritize composure over elevating the framework. Your app will continue functioning even if your performance is no longer supported. The Laravel community’s ongoing efforts to provide developers with the best possible experience and stay ahead of the curve in web development are reflected in the updates included in this release. Therefore, the leading Laravel Development Company can be contacted if you are eager to utilize this updated version.



Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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