Top Features of Angular 9

Top Features of Angular 9

18 February, 2020 by img Rahul Panchal in Angular Development
Top Features of Angular 9

As the Angular is the biggest name in the IT industry from the last couple of years. Angular team releases the new version from time to time sometime with some upgrades and sometimes with some new features. Again Angular team releases the latest version of Angular which is Angular 9 and on this angular team’s perspective is that Angular 9 is the biggest metamorphic updated version from the last 3 years.


This leads to the thought that Angular 9 has the features which will be making the life of mobile app developer very easy and coding in angular will become the piece of cake.


Let’s go through the features of Angular 9 which are making it the outstanding release of last 3 years:


Ivy: In Angular 9 the determiner change is Ivy. Ivy is the default compiler and run time. Version 9 allows  all the applications to use the Ivy compiler and run time.

Ivy offers diverse superiority. The main strength of the Ivy is that it  significantly reduces the size of applications, regardless of the application size and improvise the debugging as well.

Default AOT in build: AOT compiler is enabled in build, development server and in the test as well and this is the default. Ivy has got the improved build and rebuild time AOT-compilation become the great developer experience.

Locality Principle: To compile a component in View Engine, Angular requires the  information about all its affirm dependencies, their affirm dependencies, and so on. But in the Ivy angular requires only the component there is no requirement for the declare dependencies.

lazy load and contributing the component: In the Angular 9 the focused feature is that lazy loading can be done to any module and component by the code only.

To do that we simply need to do is to call import()there is no need to change angular.json, no need to use SystemJsNgModuleLoader.

Internationalization: Angular like Javascript framework is now thoroughly supporting the Internationalization by the aid of Angular CLI. We can develop an application in multiple languages by producing base codes that will help to generate converter files.


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Globalisation: Number formatting, date formatting, and other regional settings can be dynamically loaded at runtime instead of having to be registered at compile time. translated texts could be loaded from a database or a file.

Upgraded Tooling: Angular provides the surprising and obliging ecosystem. While upgrading to the angular version 9 make sure you are using the latest and upgraded tool.

VS Code editor and Angular Essentials Extension for Visual VS Code are the better tools to upgrade to Angular 9.

Below are the some more features which will be supporting the angular 9 to become a great release of the last 3 years:

– The latest version of Typescript 3.6 and 3.7 supports Angular 9.

– Angular 9 improvised the performance and reduces the bundal size of the application.

– Selectorless base classes are now getting supported by directives and components. Metadata inheritance is happening from base component and directive classes. This makes it easier to extend for example Angular Components and Angular Router directives.

– As Ivy is default now so styling rewrite, binding CSS Custom Properties is also getting supported.



The released features are actually sounding good as per the Angular app developers point of view. It helps them to create the mobile application beyond the limit in terms of performance and attributes.


Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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