Top 6 Libraries That Makes Life Easy for Android & IOS Developers

Top 6 Libraries That Makes Life Easy for Android & IOS Developers

28 February, 2020 by img Jatin Panchal in Android App Development
Top 6 Libraries That Makes Life Easy for Android & IOS Developers

As 2020 started our company made a decision to share our experience we gain on mobile app development. We have done so much work on the Android app development and iOS app development in the last couple of years. And as we can see easily, mobile phones are counted in the basic need of humans these days.

We are sharing our Android mobile app developers‘ and ios mobile app developers’ past experiences here. The way they learn , the way they find most used libraries and implementing those libraries make the effect on the application.

Let’s start with the libraries our developers used while they were creating the mobile apps and these libraries make the work effort almost half.

Gson (Android)


Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of.

Gson tries to map all fields in the Java object to the JSON file it creates and vice versa. Gson allows to exclude certain fields for serialization and deserialization.

Check out our Android Developer Profile:

Retrofit (Android)

Retrofit - Android

Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. Retrofit makes it easy to retrieve and upload JSON (or other structured data) via a REST based web service..

Developing your own type-safe HTTP library to interface with a REST API can be a big problem.: you have to handle many functionalities such as making connections, caching, retrying failed requests, threading, response parsing, error handling, and more. Retrofit is very well planned, documented, and tested that will save you a lot of precious time and headaches.

The good thing about treating API calls as Java methods is that you only need to define the target URLs and parameters as Java classes, which makes the process clearer and simpler. It can handle asynchronous and synchronous requests with automatic JSON parsing. Retrofit performs better according to some benchmarks.

MBProgressHUD (iOS)

MBProgressHUD is a stable, flexible  library of activity indicator in the ios. It helps the developer to display the activity indicator with just simply dragging and dropping the class files in the application..

MBProgressHUD displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread. The HUD is meant as a replacement for the undocumented, private UIKit UIProgressHUD with some extra features.

MBProgressHUD works on any iOS version and is compatible with both ARC and non-ARC projects.

Hero (iOS)

Hero - iOS

Hero is a great transition library for the ios. With the help of this library developer can keep the control over the ios view. It creates a specific layer on the top of the UIKits heavy transition APIs By which creating the custom transitions becomes an easy task to the developers. It checks the heroID property on all source and destination views and when property matched then the view pair is automatically transformed from old state to its new state.

Transitions can be easily controlled by the user gestures.

By default, Hero provides the dynamic duration based on the Material Design Motion Guide. Duration is automatically specified by changes to distance and size—saving you the hassle, while providing consistent and beautiful animations.

Check out our iOS Developer Profile:

Lottie (Android & iOS)

Lottie - Android & iOS

Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that provides the animations and art in the realtime with minimal code. Here animations based on the vectors.

Lottie loads and supports animations and vectors exported in the bodymovin JSON format.

For the first time, designers can create and ship beautiful animations without a conscientious engineer recreating it by hand.

Animations can be played, resized, looped, sped up, slowed down, reversed, interactively scrubbed, even changed at runtime like color, position or any keyframable value.

Bonus:  Cocoapods (iOS)

Cocoapods -iOS

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over 30 thousand libraries.

It simplifies the effort of  adding,importing and handling the third party libraries and it handles the dependencies of third party as well in the application.

If any third party is required in the application then cocoapods handles all the activity for that third party from adding , importing to working of that third party.

Must Read: Flutter Vs Ionic : Which is better for your App?


Above are the libraries which make our developer’s work uncomplicated while implementing the application for iOS and android.

Anyone can use the above libraries in their android iOS application and acquaintance the effortless and effective outcomes.

We will add some more libraries to this list which reduce the pain of our developers in future and will do the same for you as well.


Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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