Top Pointers for Choosing Professional React Developers

Top Pointers for Choosing Professional React Developers

20 June, 2022 by img Jatin Panchal in ReactJs Development
Top Pointers for Choosing Professional React Developers

ReactJS is one of the most recent and popular JavaScript frameworks in different applications. The programming language has become the top favorite for many web app projects. Currently, the web framework or JavaScript library helps develop user interfaces. Most importantly, ReactJS offers promising advantages in resolving the concerns of partially updated web pages. As of now, more than 90,000 websites and more than 10,000 businesses worldwide use ReactJS.

Furthermore, a recent Stack Overflow survey revealed that ReactJS is the favorite web framework of developers for interesting value advantages. How can you find a competent ReactJS developer for your next project? Let us find the answer in the following discussion.

Popularity of ReactJS

React has become the most successful JavaScript library owing to the applications in developing user interfaces or UIs. It is one of the popular web frameworks, and reports by Statista indicate that almost 40.14% of respondents preferred ReactJS as the top choice. However, react can deliver the desired value only when a competent development company employs it in web development projects. This is the foremost reason you should choose a professional ReactJS developer. What can a ReactJS developer do for you?

Responsibilities of ReactJS Developers

The primary responsibilities of ReactJS developers can help you figure out what you should expect from candidates for the same position. Here is an overview of the basic duties of a ReactJS developer, which can help you differentiate a competent developer from an amateur.

  • Development of appealing UI components by using the ReactJS toolkit.
  • Quality UI code development by leveraging wireframes alongside mock designs.
  • Continuous verification of the code for boosting app performance.
  • Management of the app state and functional libraries for creating asynchronous API calls.
  • Abilities for leveraging ReactJS workflows such as Redux and Context APIs for collecting processed data from the concerned state.
  • Creation of modern, precise, and understandable code through CSS-pre-processes such as SASS and LESS alongside many notable JavaScript functionalities.
  • Management of the QA process through unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
  • Development and optimization of reusable JS/HTML/CSS components alongside ensuring cross-compatibility among them.

With the ReactJS framework, enterprises can achieve promising benefits of time savings and cost-effectiveness in development tasks. You can leverage ReactJS as a credible solution for releasing cross-platform compatible apps on Android and iOS platforms. As a result, a trustworthy and competent ReactJS developer can help you create some exceptional applications like Netflix, Instagram, Codeacademy, and others that use ReactJS.

How Can You Choose a ReactJS Developer?

Once you have decided to develop an application for your business, ReactJS emerges as the top choice of a web framework with many notable benefits. Now, it is important to wonder about the possibilities of choosing a ReactJS developer from the massive assortment of professionals. You can deal with the daunting task of choosing a ReactJS developer by taking note of the following pointers.

Choose ReactJS Developers

1. Industry Knowledge of Candidates

The first thing which can help you check the effectiveness of candidates for ReactJS developer roles is their expertise. You must check whether the developers have the necessary skills such as JavaScript features, functions, and syntax. In addition, candidates must also have comprehensive command over EcmaScript, JSON, REST APIs, advanced HTML, ESLint, and HTML5.

Furthermore, the candidate for a ReactJS developer job must also have fluency in different testing tools and frameworks, JS build tools, and version control systems. In addition, aspiring ReactJS developers must also have updated knowledge about the latest industry trends and terms.

2. Verify their Work

The next pointer for selecting a ReactJS developer would be the candidate’s skills in actual projects. Before you finalize a ReactJS developer, they must show their work to you. The projects by candidates on ReactJS could help you determine whether they can meet your requirements. Look at all the projects in a candidate’s portfolio and see how they work to know about their expertise.

3. Work Experience

The obvious aspect you should look for in a ReactJS developer is work experience. Experienced developers are more likely to have a clear impression of what is needed and what they should deliver. Developers who have worked with ReactJS for quite some time are more likely to have a better idea of the best tools for a specific task.

4. Expertise in Complementary Technologies

Another interesting pointer for discovering competent ReactJS developers would point at looking for their expertise in complementary technologies. A ReactJS developer needs more than one framework for addressing their primary responsibilities. Therefore, you should choose a ReactJS developer with expertise in working with multiple technologies featuring compatibility with React. For example, aspiring ReactJS developers must have expertise working with Ruby or Rails, Laravel, and Django.

The knowledge of such technologies helps in improving the versatility of ReactJS developers. In addition, candidates must have fluency in other important Java frameworks with the MERN Stack.

5. Knowledge of ReactJS Styling Strategies

The most significant aspect you should look for in ReactJS developers would be expertise in ReactJS styling strategies. It is a massive ecosystem featuring reusable components, and developers must understand all ReactJS fundamentals and concepts in-depth. In addition, developers must clearly understand the Create React App and its functionalities. At the same time, you can also have a better choice with ReactJS developers having skills for styling. You won’t get any marks for finding out how a React developer with coding and styling skills can deliver advantages.

6. Adaptability

The last and one of the important factors for selecting a ReactJS developer would be their adaptability. Almost every developer is familiar with JavaScript, making it easier to learn ReactJS. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the ReactJS developer of your choice can take on the challenges of learning about new technologies. For example, third-party packages, frameworks, and libraries. Make sure you choose a developer who is always ready to learn new things and expand their skills.


The pointers for choosing a ReactJS developer can offer conclusive advantages for enterprises. If you want to capitalize on the features of ReactJS for your web or mobile application, ReactJS developers can help. On the other hand, you must ensure they have the required knowledge and skills, experience, expertise in other technologies, and the zeal to learn new things. Start discovering the job market for some talented ReactJS developers right now.

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Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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