What Factors Can Affect The Cost Of Designing A Mobile Application?

What Factors Can Affect The Cost Of Designing A Mobile Application?

19 October, 2022 by img Rahul Panchal in Web Design
What Factors Can Affect The Cost Of Designing A Mobile Application?

What plays the biggest role in grabbing the first impression of the users? What makes them decide whether they should continue your app or not? So, the look and design of the mobile app always catch the attention. Mastering the development of the mobile application is not a joke; therefore, it is necessary to understand the various factors.

To design an application by a UI/UX design services company, many factors should be measured, for example, security, performance and content. But how much does it cost to build an app per your expectations? Let’s find out this ultimate guide to deciding the cost of designing an app. Before diving deep into the app’s cost, try to understand the mobile app development approach.

What Are The Factors That Affect Mobile App Costs?

The pricing of mobile applications depends upon multiple factors, and here we mentioned a few of them.


1. Platform

Before building an application from a UI/UX design services company, you must decide on the platform first. Decide whether you want to build an application for android or iOS. The android application should be matched with different formats and solutions, but this is not the same with iOS. The android app building cost is higher than the iOS app building cost.

Earlier, the UI/UX designer cost the highest charges for building the iOS app, but now the situation has changed. Now the cost of mobile app development is charged based on device type and the number of platforms. The cost of building an app for iPhone only and iPhone 6 Plus and ahead varies. The apps for iPad also cost6 high in range so that they can meet the speed and size of the iPad. When you come to an android device app, the cost changes constantly based on the customer’s requirements.

2. The Complexity Of The Application

The cost also measures the complexity of the application. Whether designing UI/UX mobile applications or developing applications, the complexity level plays a crucial role.

  • Simple Application

The simple applications are mostly built on the 3 screens long with interactive designs. Zero animations are required in these apps, for example, alarms & calculators.

  • Average Complexity App

These applications are built upon interactive features & animations. These applications are designed individually for the iOS and android platforms. These applications meet with the native look and rely on the human interface design. The best example of application is Uber, WhatsApp and all others.

  • High-Complexity Apps

The high-complexity apps are designed for a specific purpose. A lot of animations and transitions are needed for this. The innovative features implemented in these apps make the user ease in moving from one screen to another. Examples of such applications are Amazon Prime, Netflix and other complex app. These applications can work on multiple screens at the same time.

3. The Team’s Location

The application’s cost also depends on your hired team. The developer asks for different costs in different locations. The developer in Europe & the designer in the US might ask for different charges. It happens because of the difference in designing tools and working procedures.

4. Team Type

The app’s price also depends upon the team type. The cost of developing an app differs depending on your hired team. So, which kind of team have you hired? Are they an in-house team, freelancers or the experts of the outsourcing team? Choosing an in-house team might cost you the most. Choosing the outsourcing team and freelancer will be affordable for you. But several factors decide whom you should develop for designing the application. You should follow certain checklists to make the right choice.

5. Visual Design

The visual design of any application also matters a lot. To grab people’s attention, you should make this app visually appealing. You should be concerned about the colors and final UI mockups. How you want to decide the look of your application is all that defines the cost. The right set of colors should be used in your application to highlight the app features.

However, using too many colors doesn’t make your application look attractive. If you have a tight budget, you should stick with the 2 to 3 colors. Some other visual elements like typography, UI mockup samples, mood boards, and final UI mockups also define the cost of mobile applications.

6. Animation & Illustration

The amount of animation and illustrations your application has defines the cost. If many graphic elements are used in the app, like icons, vectors, logos, gifs, etc., it costs more. The am animation and illustration play a crucial role in the branding of your app. It makes your application more recognizable in the market. By adding these, you can improve the personality of the app. It requires time and effort that ultimately affects the cost factor.

7. Functionality

When it comes to the functionality of an application, certain factors affect the cost of the application. These 2 important factors are complexity and feature. The more features your app have, the more cost you have to pay for the app creation. The application that has social media integration and in-app purchase features costs more. So, if you have a tight budget, you should stick with the features like search, sorting and logging in.

The app design process by mobile UI/UX design services is divided into the 3 phases discovery, design and development. So, the final cost of app creation might cost between $3,000 to $30,000. However, you can reduce the cost by following certain factors. After looking over the common factors, you might have a few ideas about the development cost.

The design and development of the app by mobile app UI/UX design services provider companies depend upon the features like complexity, features you want to add and time. Understanding these factors will give you a clear insight into the development cost. If you want to create an app for your business and looking for an estimated cost, consult with the best app developer.



Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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