Android 11 Update- The Newest Addition to the Ever-Improving Platform

Android 11 Update- The Newest Addition to the Ever-Improving Platform

14 September, 2020 by img Jatin Panchal in Android App Development
Android 11 Update- The Newest Addition to the Ever-Improving Platform

If you ask any technology lover about the best platforms for running a mobile phone, you are more likely to get mixed answers like Android and iOS. However, if you look at it from the compatibility point of view and the number of mobile phones that run on Android, the bar is sure to tip towards it more favorably. The main reasons for it are the easy usability, the operating system’s versatility, and the cool features, made relatively simple. Anyone using Android will vouch for the points as mentioned earlier.


Why do people love the Android Platform?

Android platform is reputed for the massive updates. If you have a device with an Android operating system, you must have noticed that new features keep getting introduced every year. The Android team keeps monitoring the software and fixes any bugs that may have been present and introduces new features. Android 10 was the last launched platform, and now they have gone one notch higher with the introduction of the latest update, Android 11.

The organization claims that this is the best update that they have done until now, judging by the amount of time they took to make the tweaks after launching the beta version in the market; it has now grown in expectations. Here is a detailed look at Android 11 introduced by the Android app development services of Google.


When did it launch?

Android 11 Update with New Features

The last Android platform that has been running on almost all devices is Android 10. In February in 2020, it was announced that the new update was about to be launched in the market. A beta version, a trial version before it is launched full-fledged in the market, was put across in June.

After ironing out some irregularities, Android 11 was finally made available on 8 September 2020. Even though Google didn’t have a lot of advertising build up before the launch of the new products, the release date was predetermined, and the company stuck to that quite accurately.


Who received the Android 11 update?

When it was said that the Android 11 was launched on 11 September, it does not mean that all phones supporting Android got it. The flagship phones of Google, like the Pixel variant, were the first ones to get it. The other companies have to make specific changes to introduce it in their phones, although it is expected to be done in a short period.

The newer phones will get it sooner than the older ones, as the modifications needed in the older versions will be a little more profound. Overall, all the Android supporting phones should get the update within a month or two.


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New Features Rolling Out

Preliminary checks have confirmed that Android 11 has introduced quite a few tweaks, which have made it better than the Android 10 version. The changes have been mentioned below-


  • Better messaging app facility

Nowadays, the number of messaging apps available to communicate with people is many. It used to become a tad challenging to shift from one app to another and made you lose track of the conversation. This has been taken care of in Android 11 by bringing all these messaging apps under one area by earmarking a dedicated space in the notification center.

You even have the option of prioritizing the messages of someone. You will always be in track of the messages they send on multiple platforms and not lose track of them. Thus, it works towards setting up better communication. The mobile app development solutions team has thought this through to get this feature right.


  • Seamless multitasking

You also have the feature of responding to messages and notifications without having to exit the application you were already on. You don’t have to shift from one application to the other in Android 11. The idea is to multitask without having to leave the app that you are already on.


  • Prompt screen recording with the mic

Earlier, screen recording was challenging to perform on the Android platform, even though it was there. It has been better in Android 11 with the introduction of an in-built screen recording option.

You can record whatever is playing on the screen and record a voice using a mic simultaneously. No additional applications will be necessary, and this will give solutions to the screen-recording issues of many.


  • Better connectivity with smart devices

If you have multiple smart devices connected to your phone at one time, accessing them can become a little cumbersome as it could be done only by entering the application controlling it, one by one.

However, with Android 11, you can access them all with a long press of the present power button. You can control your television, speakers, watch, thermostat, everything from a single area, and do not have to switch from one to another again and again.


  • Faster media switch between devices

Playing media properly is considered to be a vital function of a phone. Many a times, you switch from your mobile to any other device. In such a scenario, the Android 11 platform can prove to be a blessing.

Suppose you are listening to something on your earphones, and suddenly everyone in the room wants to hear it. You can switch the playback from the earphones to the speakers without skipping a beat in between. Thus, the media controls have become even better in Android 11.


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  • Amazing Auto-Mode for safe driving

The Android Auto feature is another addition to the platform, which makes driving hassle-free with wireless connection. If you have a particular type of vehicle which is compatible, you can say goodbye to the entwining cables. You can access the maps, play music, send an essential text to someone, or ask any help from the Google Assistant on the go.


  • Giving more importance to privacy

Privacy is something that Android 11 has given a considerable amount of priority. Earlier, single permission given for sensitive applications made it accessible permanently. However, this led to several problems concerning losing sensitive information. This was taken care of here as every time you open an application that holds such necessary information, you have to grant permission. Therefore, your device will be more secured.


  • Controlled app permission

Sometimes, you may download an application for a particular purpose, and once that is done, you may not use it again for a long time. You may even not utilize it again. However, the permissions that you gave the application remains. However, in Android 11, such applications are detected, and an ‘auto-reset’ is done where all such permissions are canceled. You have the freedom to grant permission if or when you need to use the application again.


  • Constant security updates

Just like you receive notifications and updates regarding the various applications installed in your device, you will be entitled to get privacy fixes and security updates. Therefore, all the applications that deal with crucial information, especially the payment-related ones, will remain protected from fraudulent activities in a better manner.


  • Better protection of personal data in a professional setup

While most of the privacy protection and security are provided in personal devices, Android 11 extends this facility to the work-related devices. Therefore, even though the company’s IT sector providing you the phone can gain access to your phone, all the private data will be kept protected at all times.


  • Added features in Pixel

If you own a Pixel 2 or higher variant phone, the utilization of Android 11 will be even better. It will provide you suggestions on the applications you can download based on the type of task you perform on your phone and lets you take screenshots and send texts more effectively.

These are the most important updates that have been introduced in Android 11. These features make it a better package than Android 10. It is just a matter of time before it becomes a part of every device that supports the Android platform.


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Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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